Media Relations

How to manage media relations in PR

Historically, media relations in PR represented the bulk of what agency-side consultants at Account Exec and even Account Manager-level did, day-in-day-out, for clients. The media were the ‘only game in town’ – the information gatekeepers. They determined what client information made it to the people who might be in the market for their products and services, if only they knew more about the skills, capabilities, products and/or services they offered.

So those of us that have been working in PR companies for more than 10 years regard media relations as a core skill. But good media relations is about far more than “relating well” with the media on the clients’ behalf.

Effective media relations in a digital PR world

Effective media relations is now about making sure that we apply the disciplines of checking key publications’ circulation numbers, readership profile, writing style, editorial calendar, as well as range of editorial opportunities and online comment opportunities.

In other words, it is about exploring the multiplicity of opportunities that we have to get your message into the right titles.

It is also about helping editors to fill online and hard copy pages by delivering precisely the quality and type of content that they are looking for and doing this in a consistent fashion.

So even though the media are no longer the only game in town, the discipline of providing great quality content, tailored to meet the needs of a specific audience, is still core to our work.

The content Agility PR produces for you is ideal for your website, social media channels, marketing mailers and key trade publications. Indeed, ability to secure specialist trade coverage is often the key benchmark of quality. This level of integration is what we aim for today, and we achieve it by developing great, media-ready content.