Pensions and Investments Market Expertise
The Pensions and Investment world is subject to relentless pressure to change. Regulators such as the TPR, FCA and PRA demand increased transparency, lower charges, access to the ‘open market option’ at decumulation and more.
Red tape and more detailed (and yet ideally clearer) reporting requirements seem to multiply year by year. And everything that is being sent to the customer needs to be sent digitally, ideally via a highly secure and visual portal.
Major bombs like Pension Freedoms get thrown in by HM Treasury and just occasionally really positive developments like Auto Enrolment push the market in a new and broadly positive direction. The drive to streamline administration and ‘go digital’ has pushed businesses online onto adviser-facing and D2C platforms.
Agility PR has been embedded in the pensions market since it began work for SMPI calculations and back office software provider Dunstan Thomas, from Day 1 in mid-2003 and has principally supported the pensions software side of the business over the last 15 years.

During 2017, Agility PR designed and executed a double-headed consumer study for Dunstan Thomas, which probed the engagement and financial education levels of millennials aged 23 to 36 years and Baby Boomers aged 54-71 years. The resulting insights and video vox pops became a mainstay of PR and marketing content strategy and promotional activity around the perennial industry topic of customer engagement for over a year.
The campaign provided a unique and powerful platform to expound on the topic and become a thought leader on this and other topics. Articles and blog posts are written for placement in a range of pensions and IFA trades.
News stories and customer success stories are created to champion successes and vlogs and video case studies shot. We adapt content for marketing automation solutions, campaigns and social posts. The work we do for Dunstan Thomas and others offers an opportunity to hard wire PR content into sales lead generation – using it to re-engage past customers and win over new ones.